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Artista: WEYDEN, Rogier van der
WEYDEN, Rogier van der The Last Judgment Spain oil painting reproduction

WEYDEN, Rogier van der The Last Judgment Spain oil painting reproduction

Pintura Identificación::  63898
WEYDEN, Rogier van der
The Last Judgment
1446-52 Oil on wood Mus?e de l'H?tel Dieu, Beaune The picture shows the upper panel to the right.Artist:WEYDEN, Rogier van der Title: The Last Judgment (detail) Painted in 1401-1450 , Flemish - - painting : religious
(new21/WEYDEN, Rogier van der-979623.jpg)

Artista: WEYDEN, Rogier van der
WEYDEN, Rogier van der The Last Judgment Spain oil painting reproduction

WEYDEN, Rogier van der The Last Judgment Spain oil painting reproduction

Pintura Identificación::  63899
WEYDEN, Rogier van der
The Last Judgment
1446-52 Oil on wood Mus?e de l'H?tel Dieu, Beaune The central panel is dominated by the son of God, seated on a semi-circular rainbow, with the Virgin Mary at one end of the arc and St John the Baptist at the other.Artist:WEYDEN, Rogier van der Title: The Last Judgment (detail) Painted in 1401-1450 , Flemish - - painting : religious
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Artista: WEYDEN, Rogier van der
WEYDEN, Rogier van der The Last Judgment Spain oil painting reproduction

WEYDEN, Rogier van der The Last Judgment Spain oil painting reproduction

Pintura Identificación::  63901
WEYDEN, Rogier van der
The Last Judgment
1446-52 Oil on wood Mus?e de l'H?tel Dieu, Beaune Above is a cloud of gold, on which are seated the apostles, judges in the celestial tribunal, as well as a pope, a bishop, a king, a monk and three women. Below them is the earth, from which the resurrected souls emerge, to go either to damnation or to eternal bliss. In line with traditional thinking, the dead have all risen at the age of 33, Christ's age when he died. The damned souls among them, crying out in despair, move of their own accord toward the fiery mouth of Hell. The limbs of the angular nude figures, still very Gothic in concept, create a complex interlocking pattern.Artist:WEYDEN, Rogier van der Title: The Last Judgment (detail) Painted in 1401-1450 , Flemish - - painting : religious
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Artista: WEYDEN, Rogier van der
WEYDEN, Rogier van der The Last Judgment Spain oil painting reproduction

WEYDEN, Rogier van der The Last Judgment Spain oil painting reproduction

Pintura Identificación::  63903
WEYDEN, Rogier van der
The Last Judgment
1446-52 Oil on wood Mus?e de l'H?tel Dieu, Beaune At the far left-hand side of the polyptych, paradise is represented as a gothic porch ablaze with light, the door that leads to the divine dwelling place. On the other side, hell is strangely lacking in devils. Instead, it is merely represented by a pile of dark rocks spewing flames and volcanic vapours.Artist:WEYDEN, Rogier van der Title: The Last Judgment (detail) Painted in 1401-1450 , Flemish - - painting : religious
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Artista: WEYDEN, Rogier van der
WEYDEN, Rogier van der Bladelin Triptych Spain oil painting reproduction

WEYDEN, Rogier van der Bladelin Triptych Spain oil painting reproduction

Pintura Identificación::  63904
WEYDEN, Rogier van der
Bladelin Triptych
1480 Oil on oak panel Staatliche Museen, Berlin The exteriors of the wings of the Bladelin Triptych were probably not painted at first; an unknown painter added the Annunciation later, using as a model an engraving by Master FVB, probably active in Bruges 1480-1500, who had been strongly influenced by Rogier van der Weyden.Artist:WEYDEN, Rogier van der Title: Bladelin Triptych (exterior) Painted in 1401-1450 , Flemish - - painting : religious
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Artista: WEYDEN, Rogier van der
WEYDEN, Rogier van der Braque Family Triptych Spain oil painting reproduction

WEYDEN, Rogier van der Braque Family Triptych Spain oil painting reproduction

Pintura Identificación::  63905
WEYDEN, Rogier van der
Braque Family Triptych
1450 Oil on oak panel, 41 x 68 cm (central panel), 41 x 34 cm (wings each) Mus?e du Louvre, Paris The armorial bearings on the back indicate that this portable triptych was the property of Jehan Braque and his wife Catherine de Brabant, of Tournai, who were married in about 1450-51. Jehan Braque died soon afterwards, in 1452; his young widow, who did not marry again till 1461, must have commissioned this triptych in his memory. The Braque Triptych ranks among Rogier van der Weyden's most celebrated works. It is a small-scale work of the kind that were set upon portable altars in the oratories of wealthy individuals. When closed, it shows the classical vanity theme, a skull and a cross. Open, it displays images of Christ in the centre, and to either side - the Virgin, St John the Evangelist, St John the Baptist and Mary Magdalene. They are represented against a landscape that is rendered down to the finest detail, with its rivers and mountains, grass and leaves so precisely drawn they could almost be counted and tiny figures visible in the distance in the streets of imaginary towns - a favourite motif of the Flemish masters. Pictures showing busts of Christ and the Virgin had existed earlier north of the Alps, but a sequence of several saints shown half length seems to derive from a type of altarpiece found in Italy from the 13th century onward. The innovation is to place them in front of a wide, coherent landscape relating to the figures themselves not realistically, but in context. It stands for the entire world ruled by Christ and to which He descended incarnate as man, as described at the beginning of the Gospel of St John: "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." If the dark exterior was a reminder of the inevitability of death, the wide, radiant interior with its saintly figures allowed the devout viewer to hope for salvation. Artistically, the triptych is very close to the Beaune Altarpiece. The head of the Virgin Mary, and in particular the head of Christ, are so like their counterparts in the picture of the Last Judgment that they must have been executed from the same cartoon (full-size design for a painting). It is not certain whether the work is entirely by Rogier's hand; the underdrawing reveals thin lines not at all typical of him, and perhaps done with a pen instead of Rogier's usual brush. There are also some differences in the artistic execution: the Virgin's face, for instance, looks waxen, and inflexible around the eyes by comparison with the wonderful, tenderly painted, and lifelike Mary Magdalene, which is among Rogier's finest works.Artist:WEYDEN, Rogier van der Title: Braque Family Triptych Painted in 1401-1450 , Flemish - - painting : religious
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Artista: WEYDEN, Rogier van der
WEYDEN, Rogier van der Bladelin Triptych Spain oil painting reproduction

WEYDEN, Rogier van der Bladelin Triptych Spain oil painting reproduction

Pintura Identificación::  63907
WEYDEN, Rogier van der
Bladelin Triptych
1445-50 Oil on oak panel, 91 x 40 cm Staatliche Museen, Berlin The scenes in the side panels depict the advent of the Son of God on earth being announced in miraculous visions to the Roman emperor Octavian (Augustus) and to the three Magi. The Christ Child receives the homage of both East and West, that is to say the whole world as displayed in the panorama of the open triptych: the West is symbolized by the Roman empire - which was regarded as the direct predecessor of the medieval Holy Roman Empire - the East by the Magi, and between them stands the Holy Land with Bethlehem, to the medieval mind the centre and navel of the world. The visions seen by these ruler are taken from a text popular at the time, but never previously illustrated in this - - the chapter on the Nativity in the Legenda Aurea (Golden Legend, a collection of tales of the saints written around 1270 by the Dominican monk Jacobus de Voragine (1228/29-1298). However, there were certain problems involved in illustrating it in realistic detail. It was particularly difficult to present Octavian's vision of the Madonna on an altar hovering in the sky, not borne up by angels or similar figures. Rogier solved this problem by seating the Virgin on an obviously heavy altar, so closely framed by the opening that she looks almost like a picture within the picture, providing an optical focus. The donor clearly wanted the text of the legend illustrated literally, and he must at first have asked for actual quotations too, although they were eventually omitted, to the benefit of the work as a whole: infrared photography shows that all the scenes originally contained scrolls to hold wording. The left-hand picture, for instance, was to quote the words miraculously heard by Octavian, according to the legend, on seeing the vision: Haec est ara coeli ("This is the altar of Heaven"). However, during the execution of the triptych it obviously became clear that the pictures would make their point even without any explanatory text, and the wording was overpainted. Such a decision cannot have been taken without the consent of the patron who commissioned the altarpiece, and perhaps it may have been made during a conversation between Rogier and his client when the latter visited the artist's studio.Artist:WEYDEN, Rogier van der Title: Bladelin Triptych (left wing) Painted in 1401-1450 , Flemish - - painting : religious
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Artista: WEYDEN, Rogier van der
WEYDEN, Rogier van der Miraflores Altarpiece Spain oil painting reproduction

WEYDEN, Rogier van der Miraflores Altarpiece Spain oil painting reproduction

Pintura Identificación::  63913
WEYDEN, Rogier van der
Miraflores Altarpiece
1440 Oil on oak panel, 71 x 43 cm Staatliche Museen, Berlin The left panel of the Miraflores Altarpiece depicts the Holy Family.Artist:WEYDEN, Rogier van der Title: Miraflores Altarpiece (left panel) Painted in 1401-1450 , Flemish - - painting : religious
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Artista: WEYDEN, Rogier van der
WEYDEN, Rogier van der Seven Sacraments Spain oil painting reproduction

WEYDEN, Rogier van der Seven Sacraments Spain oil painting reproduction

Pintura Identificación::  63914
WEYDEN, Rogier van der
Seven Sacraments
1445-50 Oil on oak panel, 119 x 63 cm Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerp The left wing of the triptych represents the Baptism, the Confirmation and the Confession.Artist:WEYDEN, Rogier van der Title: Seven Sacraments (left wing) Painted in 1401-1450 , Flemish - - painting : religious
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Artista: WEYDEN, Rogier van der
WEYDEN, Rogier van der Seven Sacraments Altarpiece Spain oil painting reproduction

WEYDEN, Rogier van der Seven Sacraments Altarpiece Spain oil painting reproduction

Pintura Identificación::  63915
WEYDEN, Rogier van der
Seven Sacraments Altarpiece
1445-50 Oil on oak panel Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerp The detail of the left panel shows the baptism, the confirmation and the confession (penance). The sacrament of confirmation can be administered only by a bishop and here it is being performed by the donor, Jean Chevrot himself. Several heads, obviously also portraits, were executed on small pieces of metallic foil or parchment, then stuck to the picture; they are, however, original. Possibly these portraits were done somewhere else, then sent to the Brussels workshop to be added to the altarpiece.Artist:WEYDEN, Rogier van der Title: Seven Sacraments Altarpiece (detail) Painted in 1401-1450 , Flemish - - painting : religious
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Artista: WEYDEN, Rogier van der
WEYDEN, Rogier van der St Columba Altarpiece Spain oil painting reproduction

WEYDEN, Rogier van der St Columba Altarpiece Spain oil painting reproduction

Pintura Identificación::  63923
WEYDEN, Rogier van der
St Columba Altarpiece
1455 Oil on oak panel, 138 x 153 cm Alte Pinakothek, Munich The picture shows the Adoration of the Magi, the central panel of the altarpiece executed for the St Columba church in Cologne. The composition of the central panel demonstrates a masterly balance between freedom and discipline. The Virgin and Child are shifted slightly to the left of the middle axis, which appears to run through the central pillar and down into the hat of the kneeling king. In fact, however, even these two details lie slightly left of centre. This left-hand bias is compensated by the figures of the second kneeling king and the third, youngest king, visually strongly accented by his expansively angled pose. The asymmetrical ruins of the stable correspond precisely to the composition of the main group. Insofar as Rogier arranges his figures from left to right in the style of a relief and orients his architecture parallel to the pictorial plane, he remains true to the principles underlying his Descent from the Cross. Here, however, he displays a more sovereign mastery of the organic structuring of the human figure and the partial creation of spatial depth. The anachronistic little crucifix at the centre of the picture anticipates the purpose of Christ's life on earth, His act of redemption. The donor, with a rosary, kneels on the extreme left, divided from the rest of the scene by a small wall.Artist:WEYDEN, Rogier van der Title: St Columba Altarpiece (central panel) Painted in 1401-1450 , Flemish - - painting : religious
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Artista: WEYDEN, Rogier van der
WEYDEN, Rogier van der St Columba Altarpiece Spain oil painting reproduction

WEYDEN, Rogier van der St Columba Altarpiece Spain oil painting reproduction

Pintura Identificación::  63925
WEYDEN, Rogier van der
St Columba Altarpiece
1455 Oil on oak panel Alte Pinakothek, Munich The picture shows a detail of the Adoration of the Magi. Traditionally, the three Magi represent the three ages of man: a youth, a mature man, and an old man. The youngest king is visually strongly accented by his expansively angled pose.Artist:WEYDEN, Rogier van der Title: St Columba Altarpiece (detail) Painted in 1401-1450 , Flemish - - painting : religious
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