Oil Paintings, Painted by Talent Swedish Artists.











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Artista: Francesco Botticini
Francesco Botticini Tobias and the ore angels Michael, Rafael and Gabriel oil painting picture wholesale

Francesco Botticini Tobias and the ore angels Michael, Rafael and Gabriel oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  39377
Francesco Botticini
Tobias and the ore angels Michael, Rafael and Gabriel
mk148 In the book helps rages the angel the healing, Rafaël (would avoid), the Tobias, the blindness its father with a fish gall to heal
Tobias y los ángeles de mineral Michael, Rafael y Gabriel
mk148 En el libro ayuda a rabiar al ángel la curación, Rafaeuml; L (evitaría), el Tobias, la ceguera su padre con un descaro de pez para curar
(new12/Francesco Botticini-875834.jpg)

Artista: unknow artist
unknow artist Ore angel Michael banishes the fallen away angels out of the sky oil painting picture wholesale

unknow artist Ore angel Michael banishes the fallen away angels out of the sky oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  39378
unknow artist
Ore angel Michael banishes the fallen away angels out of the sky
mk148 The case of satan and its boys is a frequent subject in the art (s. also S. 20)
ángel de Mineral Michael destierra los caído lejos ángeles fuera del cielo
mk148 El caso de Satanás y suschicos es un sujeto frecuente en el arte (S. también S. 20)
(new12/unknow artist-452624.jpg)

Artista: Jakob Issaks Swanenburgh
Jakob Issaks Swanenburgh The case of satan and the refractory angels oil painting picture wholesale

Jakob Issaks Swanenburgh The case of satan and the refractory angels oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  39379
Jakob Issaks Swanenburgh
The case of satan and the refractory angels
mk148 Michael banishes the evil angels at one" deserts and terrible place" (1 Henoch 21) in the depths of the earth
El caso de Satanás y los ángeles obstinados
Michael mk148 destierra a los ángeles malos en uno desertan y el lugar terrible (1 Henoch 21) en las profundidades de la tierra
(new12/Jakob Issaks Swanenburgh-546385.jpg)

Artista: unknow artist
unknow artist Angel in adoration Adams oil painting picture wholesale

unknow artist Angel in adoration Adams oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  39380
unknow artist
Angel in adoration Adams
mk148 Persian Miniatur,17.Jh.;im backgrounds Iblis (for satan in Islam), that itself not verbeugt(s.S.18-21).
Angel en la adoración Adán
mk148 los fondos Miniatur,17.Jh.;im IblisPérsicos (para Satanás en el Islam), que él mismo no verbeugt(s.S.18-21).
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Artista: unknow artist
unknow artist The prophet Henoch and its writing oil painting picture wholesale

unknow artist The prophet Henoch and its writing oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  39384
unknow artist
The prophet Henoch and its writing
mk148 Part of a fresco of Teophanes the Griechen(um1330-1410) in the Russian-orthodox cathedral of the Verklärung in Novgorod, Russia
El profeta Henoch y su escritura
la Parte mk148 de un fresco de Teophanes el Griechen(um1330-1410) en la catedral ruso Ortodoxo del Verklauml; llamó en Novgorod, Rusia
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Artista: unknow artist
unknow artist The throning person son oil painting picture wholesale

unknow artist The throning person son oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  39385
unknow artist
The throning person son
mk148 out of a commentary to the Apokalypse of the Spanish abbot Beatus of Li??bana (798 n. Chr. died). the manuscript silo emerged around 1100 in San Domingo de
El hijo de persona de throning
mk148 fuera de uncomentario al Apokalypse del abad español Beatus de Long Island bana (798 N. Chr. se murió). el silo de manuscrito surgió alrededor de 1100 en San Domingo de
(new12/unknow artist-284927.jpg)

Artista: unknow artist
unknow artist The sky trip Henochs oil painting picture wholesale

unknow artist The sky trip Henochs oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  39386
unknow artist
The sky trip Henochs
mk148 Wing altar in cloister new castle, Austria, of Nicholas de Verdun,1181.Auf this altar painting out of gold cell enamel on gilded copper an angel Henoch leads into the sky
El viaje de cielo Henochs
el altar de Ala mk148 en el claustro nuevo castillo, Austria, de Nicholas de Verdun,1181.Auf que este altar que tapa con pintura de esmalte de oro de célula en el cobre dorado un ángel Henoch dirige en el cielo
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Artista: unknow artist
unknow artist Melchisedek as a Christ-similar priest king oil painting picture wholesale

unknow artist Melchisedek as a Christ-similar priest king oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  39387
unknow artist
Melchisedek as a Christ-similar priest king
mk148 whose Opferkult(Gen14,18-20) on the Eucharist before expulsion mosaic out of the 6.Jh., church of San Apollinare in Classe, Ravenna
Melchisedek como un rey Cristo-Semejante de sacerdote
mk148 cuyo Opferkult(Gen14,18-20) en la Eucaristía antes de mosaico de expulsión fuera de la iglesia 6.Jh., de San Apollinare enClasse, Ravenna
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Artista: unknow artist
unknow artist The souls of the deceased on the scales oil painting picture wholesale

unknow artist The souls of the deceased on the scales oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  39388
unknow artist
The souls of the deceased on the scales
mk148 Egyptian manuscript around 1285 B.C. The testament Abrahams used this Egyptian funeral subject what is to be led back to the Greek language of Jew in Egypt
Las almas del difunto en las escalas
mk148 manuscrito egipcio alrededor de 1285 aC. El testamento Abrahams utilizó este sujeto egipcio del funeral lo que es de ser introducido atrás al idioma griego de judío Egipto
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Artista: unknow artist
unknow artist Abraham in the fire oil painting picture wholesale

unknow artist Abraham in the fire oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  39389
unknow artist
Abraham in the fire
mk148 out of that "golden Haggadah", a Jewish manuscript out of Spain around 1320. After this nichtkanonischen legend destroyed Abraham the idols of its father and was thrown rescued after that of king Nimrod (to the right) into the fire however of an angel
Abraham en el fuego
mk148 fuera de que Haggadah dorado, un manuscrito judío fuera de España alrededor de 1320. Después de que esta leyenda de nichtkanonischen destruyeraAbraham los ídolos de su padre y fuera tirado rescatado después de eso de rey Nimrod (a la derecha) en el fuego sin embargo de un ángel
(new12/unknow artist-925423.jpg)

Artista: unknow artist
unknow artist The three patriarchs: Abraham, Isaak and Jakob oil painting picture wholesale

unknow artist The three patriarchs: Abraham, Isaak and Jakob oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  39390
unknow artist
The three patriarchs: Abraham, Isaak and Jakob
mk148 Cover painting in the Ethiopian orthodox church of Abune Yemata, Gheralta, Tigre
Los tres patriarcas: Abraham, Isaak y Jakob
la Cubierta mk148 que pinta en la iglesia ortodoxa etíope de Abune Yemata, Gheralta, Tigre
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Artista: unknow artist
unknow artist The dream Jakobs oil painting picture wholesale

unknow artist The dream Jakobs oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  39391
unknow artist
The dream Jakobs
mk148 Painting cut in the gate cello-cathedral, Venice. leader next to the sleeping Jakob, on which angels up-and descend
El sueño Jakobs
mk148 que Pinta el corte en la violonchelo-catedral de puerta, Venecia. líder luego al Jakob durmiente, en cuálarriba-y de ángeles desciende
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Artista: Lorenzo Ghiberti
Lorenzo Ghiberti Josef and its brothers oil painting picture wholesale

Lorenzo Ghiberti Josef and its brothers oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  39392
Lorenzo Ghiberti
Josef and its brothers
mk148 Element at the bronze gate of the baptism chapel of the cathedral in Florence
Josef y sus hermanos
el Elemento mk148 en la puerta de bronce de la capilla del bautismo de la catedral en Florencia
(new12/Lorenzo Ghiberti-539752.jpg)

Artista: Pompeo Batoni
Pompeo Batoni Susanna and the old oil painting picture wholesale

Pompeo Batoni Susanna and the old oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  39393
Pompeo Batoni
Susanna and the old
mk148 Laut biblischen Apokryphen versuchen zwei l??sterne Alte die tugendhafte Susanna zu verf??hren. Mangels Erfolg verklagensie die Frau wegen Ehebruchs.Schließlich rettet David Susanna,während die Männer hingerichtet werden
Susanna y el viejo
de versuchen de biblischen de mk148 Laut Apokryphen L zwei Alte más severo se muere verf de zu de tugendhafte Susanna hren. Verklagensie de Mangels Erfolg se muere wegen de Frau Ehebruchs. Schlieszlig; rettet de cementerio David Susanna, Wauml; hrend semuere Mauml; nne werden de hingerichtet
(new12/Pompeo Batoni-953372.jpg)

Artista: Lucas Cassel
Lucas Cassel Landscape with Juda and Tamar oil painting picture wholesale

Lucas Cassel Landscape with Juda and Tamar oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  39395
Lucas Cassel
Landscape with Juda and Tamar
mk148 The painting appears courts disguises has a scene out of Genesis 38, where Juda unknowing its widowed daughter-in-law that as a harlot.
el Paisaje con Juda y Tamar
mk148 que La pintura aparece los disfraces de tribunales tienen una escena fuera de Génesis 38, donde desconocedores de Juda su nuera enviudada quecomo una ramera.
(new12/Lucas Cassel-375252.jpg)

Artista: unknow artist
unknow artist Adam and Eve. oil painting picture wholesale

unknow artist Adam and Eve. oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  39396
unknow artist
Adam and Eve.
mk148 out of the Moutier-Grandval Bible emerged around 840 n. chr. in tours illustration of Genesis 3.23 and 3,16.J??dische and Christian traditions regard the simple life of Adam and Eve as an example custody
Adán y la Víspera.
Mk148 fuera del Moutier-Grandval Biblia surgió alrededor de 840 N. chr. en la ilustración de visitas de la Génesis 3,23 y 3,16.Jdische y las tradiciones cristianas consideran la vida sencilla de Adán y la Víspera como una custodia de ejemplo
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Artista: Rembrandt van rijn
Rembrandt van rijn Rembrandt oil painting picture wholesale

Rembrandt van rijn Rembrandt oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  39398
Rembrandt van rijn
mk148 Traditonellerweise is to be seen often also Asenat (to the right) although neither the Bible report nor" Josef and Asenat" of its presence
Traditonellerweise mk148 es de ser visto a menudo también Asenat (a la derecha) aunque ni el informe de Biblia ni Josef y Asenat de su presencia
(new12/Rembrandt van rijn-752427.jpg)

Artista: Luca Signorelli
Luca Signorelli Testament and death Moses oil painting picture wholesale

Luca Signorelli Testament and death Moses oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  39399
Luca Signorelli
Testament and death Moses
mk148 In the foreground, Mose Josum (to the left) sets as its successor a before he delivers (to the right) its legacy; in the background the funeral ceremony on the mountain Nebo
Testamento y muerte Moisés
mk148 en primer plano, Mose Josum (a la izquierda) pone como su sucesor un antes él entrega (a la derecha) su legado; al fondo laceremonia de funeral en la montaña Nebo
(new12/Luca Signorelli-667783.jpg)

Artista: Salomon Koninck
Salomon Koninck David plays before Saul oil painting picture wholesale

Salomon Koninck David plays before Saul oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  39400
Salomon Koninck
David plays before Saul
mk148 The painting illustrates 1 Samuel 16.23 as well as the attempt Sauls to kill david with the javelin (1 Sam 19,9-10)
los juegos de David antes de Saul
mk148 que La pintura ilustra 1 Samuel 16,23 así como la tentativa Sauls para matar David con la jabalina (1 Sam
(new12/Salomon Koninck-697772.jpg)

Artista: unknow artist
unknow artist The stoning of the Jeremia oil painting picture wholesale

unknow artist The stoning of the Jeremia oil painting picture wholesale

Pintura Identificación::  39401
unknow artist
The stoning of the Jeremia
mk148 French Bible of 1526. the nichtkanonische legend of the execution of the Jeremia in Egypt shows The picture
El apedrear del Jeremia
mk148 Biblia francesa de 1526. la leyenda de nichtkanonische de la ejecución del Jeremia enEgipto muestra El retrato
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