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Artiste: Roger Van Der Weyden
Roger Van Der Weyden The Beweinung oil painting picture wholesale

Roger Van Der Weyden The Beweinung oil painting picture wholesale

ID de tableau::  39431
Roger Van Der Weyden
The Beweinung
mk148 Nikodemus and Josef of Arimatäa support the corpse
Le Beweinung
mk148 Nikodemus et Josef d~Arimat auml ; un soutien le cadavre
(new12/Roger Van Der Weyden-259265.jpg)

Artiste: unknow artist
unknow artist The Anastasis (resurrection) oil painting picture wholesale

unknow artist The Anastasis (resurrection) oil painting picture wholesale

ID de tableau::  39432
unknow artist
The Anastasis (resurrection)
mk148 Adam takes icon out of the Novgorod-school, Russia, late 14.Jh.Christus at hand and leads it and the further deceased biblical persons out of the hell
L~Anastasis (la résurrection)
mk148 Adam prend l~icône de la Novgorod-Ecole, Russie, en retard 14. Jh. Christus et le mène sous la main et les personnes bibliques plus décédé de l~enfer
(new12/unknow artist-236939.jpg)

Artiste: unknow artist
unknow artist Pilatus washes its hands to the left) and Verspottung Christs to the right) oil painting picture wholesale

unknow artist Pilatus washes its hands to the left) and Verspottung Christs to the right) oil painting picture wholesale

ID de tableau::  39433
unknow artist
Pilatus washes its hands to the left) and Verspottung Christs to the right)
mk148 arms niche manuscript of the gospels illustrates Berkri, 1392 of Youhannes de
Pilatus lave sesmains à la gauche) et Verspottung Christ à la droite)
mk148 arme le manuscript de niche des évangiles illustre Berkri, 1392 de Youhannes de
(new12/unknow artist-626364.jpg)

Artiste: unknow artist
unknow artist Hl. Bartholomaus oil painting picture wholesale

unknow artist Hl. Bartholomaus oil painting picture wholesale

ID de tableau::  39434
unknow artist
Hl. Bartholomaus
mk148 Italian wood painting around 1360. it a Gerbermesser in the hand-the delivery holds became after it in living body Gehäutet
Hl. Bartholomaus
mk148 tableau de bois italien autour de 1360. il un Gerbermesser dans les prises de livraison de main-l~est devenu après lui dans Geh de corps vivant auml ; utet
(new12/unknow artist-342522.jpg)

Artiste: unknow artist
unknow artist For the valentinischen Gnostizismus(s.S.162) were esoteric reception rate oil painting picture wholesale

unknow artist For the valentinischen Gnostizismus(s.S.162) were esoteric reception rate oil painting picture wholesale

ID de tableau::  39436
unknow artist
For the valentinischen Gnostizismus(s.S.162) were esoteric reception rate
mk148 similarly those various secret religions, characteristically. on this Mosaik,1.Jh.n.Chr.,ist a rite of the Eleusianer portrayed
Pour le valentinischen Gnostizismus(s.S.162) était le taux de réception ésotérique
mk148 de même cesdiverses religions secrètes, caractéristiquement. sur ce Mosaik,1.Jh.n.Chr.,ist un rite de l~Eleusianer a peint
(new12/unknow artist-263354.jpg)

Artiste: Filippino Lippi
Filippino Lippi The Hl. Philippus and the dragon oil painting picture wholesale

Filippino Lippi The Hl. Philippus and the dragon oil painting picture wholesale

ID de tableau::  39438
Filippino Lippi
The Hl. Philippus and the dragon
mk148 In this apokryphen legend, the apostle subdues the dragon in a Mars-temple and converts the followers of this heathen God
Le Hl. Philippus et le dragon
mk148 Dans cette légende d~apokryphen, l~apôtre soumet le dragon dansun Mars-Temple et convertit les partisans de ce Dieu païen
(new12/Filippino Lippi-453578.jpg)

Artiste: Bicci di Lorenzo
Bicci di Lorenzo The sky trip Marias and that healed oil painting picture wholesale

Bicci di Lorenzo The sky trip Marias and that healed oil painting picture wholesale

ID de tableau::  39440
Bicci di Lorenzo
The sky trip Marias and that healed
mk148 After an early legend, Maria became sends into the sky removed. Thomas doubted this whereon Maria it its Gurtel grasping of the sky
Le Marias de voyage de ciel et cela a guéri
mk148 Après une légende première, Maria est devenu envoie dans le ciel enlevé. Thomas a douté ce whereon Maria il son Gurtel saisissant duciel
(new12/Bicci di Lorenzo-769523.jpg)

Artiste: unknow artist
unknow artist Sophia (the holy wisdom) oil painting picture wholesale

unknow artist Sophia (the holy wisdom) oil painting picture wholesale

ID de tableau::  39441
unknow artist
Sophia (the holy wisdom)
mk148 Ikone,17.Jh.,symbolisiert sitting Russian on the throne by an angel with fire wings
Sophia (la sagesse sainte)
mk148 Ikone,17.Jh.,symbolisiert asseyant Russe sur le trône par un ange avec les ailes de feu
(new12/unknow artist-972238.jpg)

Artiste: unknow artist
unknow artist Simon Magus marketably wants to acquire the gift of the holy spirit oil painting picture wholesale

unknow artist Simon Magus marketably wants to acquire the gift of the holy spirit oil painting picture wholesale

ID de tableau::  39442
unknow artist
Simon Magus marketably wants to acquire the gift of the holy spirit
mk148 This is the origin of that" Simonie" to offer the sin for an intellectual good or a religious office money
Simon Magus vendablement les besoins pour acquérir le cadeau de l~esprit saint
mk148 Ceci est l~origine de que Simonie pour offrir le péché pour un intellectuel bon ou un argent de bureau religieux
(new12/unknow artist-449693.jpg)

Artiste: Filippino Lippi
Filippino Lippi The Hl. Petrus in Rome oil painting picture wholesale

Filippino Lippi The Hl. Petrus in Rome oil painting picture wholesale

ID de tableau::  39443
Filippino Lippi
The Hl. Petrus in Rome
mk148 in the church Santa Maria del Carmine, Rome. Petrus u. Paulus fight with Simon Magus before emperor Nero (to the right), after the Petrusakten in the frame of the collection" golden legend" out of the 13.Jahrhundert.Linke Szene:s.S.178-179
Le Hl. Petrus dans Rome
mk148 dans le Carmin de del de Maria de Santa d~église, Rome. Petrus u. Le combat de Paulus avec Simon Magus avant Néron d~empereur (à la droite), après le Petrusakten dans le cadrede la collection la légende dorée du 13. Jahrhundert. Linke Szene:s.S.178-179
(new12/Filippino Lippi-552466.jpg)

Artiste: Michelangelo Buonarroti
Michelangelo Buonarroti The crucifixion of the Hl. Petrus oil painting picture wholesale

Michelangelo Buonarroti The crucifixion of the Hl. Petrus oil painting picture wholesale

ID de tableau::  39444
Michelangelo Buonarroti
The crucifixion of the Hl. Petrus
mk148 late fresco of Michelangelo(1475-1564) in the Cappella Paolina, Vatican
La crucifixion du Hl. Petrus
mk148 fresque dernière de Michelangelo(1475-1564) dans le Cappella Paolina, Vatican
(new12/Michelangelo Buonarroti-957935.jpg)

Artiste: MAZZOLA BEDOLI, Girolamo
MAZZOLA BEDOLI, Girolamo The evangelist Johannes awakes Drusiana of the dead oil painting picture wholesale

MAZZOLA BEDOLI, Girolamo The evangelist Johannes awakes Drusiana of the dead oil painting picture wholesale

ID de tableau::  39445
The evangelist Johannes awakes Drusiana of the dead
mk148 This episode originated (s.Kästchen).Der apostle Johannes counts also as an author of the Johannesevangeliums and the revelation of the Johannes from the end of the Johannesakten
Le Johannes d~évangélisateur éveille Drusiana du mort, mk148 Cet épisode a provenu (s.K auml;stchen). Der apôtre Johannes compte aussi comme un auteu

(new12/MAZZOLA BEDOLI, Girolamo-782954.jpg)

Artiste: unknow artist
unknow artist Hl. Paulus on the throne surrounds of angels oil painting picture wholesale

unknow artist Hl. Paulus on the throne surrounds of angels oil painting picture wholesale

ID de tableau::  39446
unknow artist
Hl. Paulus on the throne surrounds of angels
mk148 Catalan Malerei,12.Jh.;moglicherweise sky trip of the Paulus(vgl.S.214)
Hl. Paulus sur le trône entoure d~anges
mk148 Catalan Malerei,12.Jh.;moglicherweise voyage de ciel du Paulus(vgl.S.214)
(new12/unknow artist-573367.jpg)

Artiste: Giambattista Tiepolo
Giambattista Tiepolo Hl. Thekla erlost Este of the plague oil painting picture wholesale

Giambattista Tiepolo Hl. Thekla erlost Este of the plague oil painting picture wholesale

ID de tableau::  39447
Giambattista Tiepolo
Hl. Thekla erlost Este of the plague
mk148 1759 for the cathedral of Este prepared was freed in accordance with delivery thanks to the intercession of the holy the city 1638 of the plague
Hl. Thekla erlost Este du fléau
mk148 1759 pour la cathédrale d~Este ont préparé ont été conformément libérés à la livraison grâce à l~intercession du saint la ville 1638 du fléau
(new12/Giambattista Tiepolo-525369.jpg)

Artiste: Giovanni Ricco
Giovanni Ricco Sermon of the Hl. paulus oil painting picture wholesale

Giovanni Ricco Sermon of the Hl. paulus oil painting picture wholesale

ID de tableau::  39448
Giovanni Ricco
Sermon of the Hl. paulus
mk148 The picture shows Paulus before that" high priest and the advice of the oldest" in Jerusalem where he defends its theology for the moors (Apg 22.3 ff)
le Sermon du Hl. paulus
mk148 L~image montre Paulus avant que cet haut prêtre et le conseil du plus vieux dansJérusalem où il défend sa théologie pour les landes (Apg 22,3 ff)
(new12/Giovanni Ricco-932946.jpg)

Artiste: Luca di Tomme
Luca di Tomme The Hl. Paulus gear to the martyrdom oil painting picture wholesale

Luca di Tomme The Hl. Paulus gear to the martyrdom oil painting picture wholesale

ID de tableau::  39449
Luca di Tomme
The Hl. Paulus gear to the martyrdom
mk148 The execution site, Tre Fontane (three sources), relates emerged its name of the legend that the head three times at the ground opened-so three sources
Le Hl. L~engrenage de Paulus au martyre
mk148 Le site d~exécution, Tre Fontane (trois sources), relate a émergé son nom de la légende qui la tête trois fois à l~ouvert-si de sol trois sources
(new12/Luca di Tomme-984286.jpg)

Artiste: unknow artist
unknow artist Scenes out of life of the Hl. Andreas oil painting picture wholesale

unknow artist Scenes out of life of the Hl. Andreas oil painting picture wholesale

ID de tableau::  39450
unknow artist
Scenes out of life of the Hl. Andreas
mk148 Russian icon of the apostle enjoyed in the Middle Ages wide worship and was country patron of Greece, Russia, Scotland and other countries
les Scènes de la vie du Hl.Andreas
mk148 icône russe de l~apôtre a apprécié dans Moyen Age larges adore et était le client de pays de Grèce, Russie, Ecosse et les autres pays
(new12/unknow artist-238462.jpg)

Artiste: unknow artist
unknow artist Hl. Andreas and Hl. Franziskus, el Greco(1540-1614) oil painting picture wholesale

unknow artist Hl. Andreas and Hl. Franziskus, el Greco(1540-1614) oil painting picture wholesale

ID de tableau::  39451
unknow artist
Hl. Andreas and Hl. Franziskus, el Greco(1540-1614)
mk148 The cross of the Andreas is is in accordance with a later delivery x-förmig-in the Andreasakten of a cross in usual form the speech
Hl. Andreas et Hl. Franziskus, el Greco(1540-1614)
mk148 La croix de l~Andreas est est conformément à une livraison ultérieur x-f ouml;rmig-inl~Andreasakten d~une croix dans la forme normale le discours
(new12/unknow artist-392629.jpg)

Artiste: unknow artist
unknow artist Allegory of the lost son oil painting picture wholesale

unknow artist Allegory of the lost son oil painting picture wholesale

ID de tableau::  39454
unknow artist
Allegory of the lost son
mk148 The pearl song interprets the parable Lk 15,11-32 as a symbol of the reliance o f the paradise -however also the return
l~Allégorie du fils perdu
mk148 La chanson de perle interprète le Lk de parabole 15,11-32 comme un symbole de la confiance o f le paradis -cependant aussi le retour
(new12/unknow artist-239269.jpg)

Artiste: Georges de La Tour
Georges de La Tour The apostle Thomas oil painting picture wholesale

Georges de La Tour The apostle Thomas oil painting picture wholesale

ID de tableau::  39455
Georges de La Tour
The apostle Thomas
mk148 The apostle holds became a javelin in the Handder legend after it in its martyr death of javelins durchbohrt (s. head text)
LeThomas d~apôtre
mk148 Les prises d~apôtre sont devenues un javelot dans la légende de Handder après lui dans sa mort de martyr de javelots durchbohrt (s. le texte de tête)
(new12/Georges de La Tour-262668.jpg)

Précédent  548  549  550  551  552  553  554  555  556  557  558  559  560  561  562  563  564  565  566  567  Prochaine

Tableau:: figure
