huile sur la toile, vraie saveur de vieux maîtres.

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the period of 1465-153

Bihzad A holy personage at the gate of a shrine consoles a son over his father-s death oil painting artist

Bihzad A holy personage at the gate of a shrine consoles a son over his father-s death oil painting artist

ID de tableau::  34228
un personnage saint au portail d~un sanctuaire console un fils par-dessus sa mort de père-s
A holy personage at the gate of a shrine consoles a son over his father-s death (English)
mk90 La Disposition du sanctuaire fait penser au Tombeau d~Ansaris à Gazurgah, au nord-est de Herat
mk90 The Disposition of the shrine is reminiscent of Ansaris Tomb at Gazurgah,to the northeast of Herat (English)

Bihzad A peasant lectures the sage Abu Sa Id ibn Abi l Khayr,the shaykh of Mahneh.on patience oil painting artist

Bihzad A peasant lectures the sage Abu Sa Id ibn Abi l Khayr,the shaykh of Mahneh.on patience oil painting artist

ID de tableau::  34229
un paysan fait une conférence l~Abi d~ibn d~Id de Sa d~Abu sage l Khayr, le shaykh de patience de Mahneh.Sur
A peasant lectures the sage Abu Sa Id ibn Abi l Khayr,the shaykh of Mahneh.on patience (English)
mk90 Illustration par Bihzad au Parlement d~Attar de Volailles c.1487-88
mk90 Illustration by Bihzad to Attar\'s Parliament of Fowles c.1487-88 (English)

Bihzad The Tree of Life springs from the fount and bows over the saint oil painting artist

Bihzad The Tree of Life springs from the fount and bows over the saint oil painting artist

ID de tableau::  34236
L~Arbre de printemps de Vie de la source et s~incline par-dessus le saint
The Tree of Life springs from the fount and bows over the saint (English)
mk90 Détail de Bihzad Alexander et l~ermite
mk90 Detail of Bihzad\'s Alexander and the hermit (English)

Bihzad The saintly Bishr fishes up the corpse of the blaspheming Malikha from the magic well which is the fount fo life oil painting artist

Bihzad The saintly Bishr fishes up the corpse of the blaspheming Malikha from the magic well which is the fount fo life oil painting artist

ID de tableau::  34237
Les poissons saints de Bishr en haut le cadavre du Malikha blasphémant du puits magique qui est la vie de fo de source
The saintly Bishr fishes up the corpse of the blaspheming Malikha from the magic well which is the fount fo life (English)
mk90 L~Arbre d~arcs de Vie par-dessus le saint sur la gauche, une torsions de rocher de démon dans l~agonie
mk90 The Tree of Life bows over the saint on the left,a demon rock twists in agony (English)

Bihzad The suicide of the artist Farhad,forbidden union with the lovely Shirin oil painting artist

Bihzad The suicide of the artist Farhad,forbidden union with the lovely Shirin oil painting artist

ID de tableau::  34246
Le suicide du Farhad d~artiste, l~union interdite avec le Shirin charmant
The suicide of the artist Farhad,forbidden union with the lovely Shirin (English)
mk90 en dessous des souches se rabougri qui symbolisent les âmes de dammed
mk90 Beneath the withered stumps which symbolize dammed souls (English)

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| Joachim Patenier | carl locher | Rinaldo Cuneo | BELLEGAMBE, Jean | Andreas Edvard Disen |