Oljemålningar som målades av John Melhuish Strudwick
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John Melhuish Strudwick:
John Melhuish Strudwick Gallery
Shaktoolik Schynige Platte Darras The Fall of the Rebel Angels -08- Henry Raschen Nature mort a la Bouteille de Peppermint Seated Clown Last Supper Catlin The Spice-vendor s shop Green Idleness The Tree of Life springs from the fount Self-Portrait with Grey Felt Hat -nn040 icon maker mirror oval Bacchanal Vista Hungry Cat with Still Life Girl with Jewels Portrait of Yvonne Landsberg -35- Isles of Shoals Landscape with a Horseman in a Clearing Two Apostles The view watched from veranda Tillmanscorner Palermo The Adoration of the Shepherds_a The shiel Valley -37- The Still life in front of Cross of moun Madonna and Child ddfhf Self Portrait Wickenburg Helena van der Schalcke as a Child dfg Arcata OOST, Jacob van, the Elder Kingston Fishermen at Sea -The Cholmeley Sea Piec blank canvas stretched abstract human lyric Several Window |
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