The Rape of Europa sd Arriba The Resurrection of Christ The hon.frances duncombe The Wedding of Peleus and Thetis df The Rialto Bridge from the South fdg William Quiller Orchardson,Master Baby - FLORIGERIO, Sebastiano Bullfight Merry Company Delraybeach Centralvalley Gothic The White Cat Scenes from the Life of Christ 1 William Dobson Gypsies on the Road Clearing in a High Forest,Forest of Font Self-Portrait stwt framing shop Parable of the Good Samaritan dfgj San Gabriel Mission The Wave DUGHET, Gaspard Mountains in Provence Flagellation of Christ Algerian Woman Hat Shop Baron Antoine-Jean Gros Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels The Raising of the Cross -33- Building the Great Mosque of Samarkand Winter Sports 1 nri Martin Prints Tobit and Anna -33- Frisco Doctor-s Visit Holand Paxton Sanandreas