Evening Breeze -06- Street in Fecamp George Robert Lewis St Onuphrius sdgs Afternoon Wind Davis Jan Cossiers old wood frame La Comtesse Regnault de Saint-Jean d-Ang Rinaldo and Armida Neum Madonna and Sts Clement and Just The Evening Lamp In Memoraim Delemont David Contemplating the Head of Goliath Piazza San Marco with the Basilica fg Ellens Green,near Cranleigh,Surrey -37- Piero del Pollaiolo Hope -36- Last Supper The White Horse -09- Bynum Mary Magdalene Eldara Joseph Overseer of Pharoah-s Granaries - Madonna of the Rose Bower -08- Peony Stem and Shears Georg Flegel Still Life with Apples and a Green Glass Still-Life with Bread and Confectionary Hudson River, Logging Jeune fille souriant -32- The Watermill Oak Beethoven Frieze -20- Discovery and Proof of the True Cross Fiddle and Goblet Calafat Detail The Sea of lce -10- St Anne Altarpiece -central panel- g CAMBIASO, Luca