Nardo, Mariotto diNM Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz Arrangement in Brown and Black The bed Veiled Woman -19- Saint-Lazare Station The Hon.Eleanor Vere Boyle Lilac Conley Heerlen Carrollwoodvillage The Usurer Uman Agar dans le desert -11- The Bucintore Returning to the Molo on A Portrait of Eva Frederick Girl Sewing A View on the Maas near Dordrecht Venus at a Mirror View of Montmartre from the cite des Fle The hero Isfandiyar slays Arjasp the dem A small stab Kingsalmon Southtucson Baden-Wurttemberg Trees by a Meadow Stream Meriden The Charging curiassier The Greengrocer creation creature hyper maya maya real t The Royal Mail Coaches for the North Iea Birzai Cornfield by Moonlight Venus Verticordia -28- Vertumnus and Pomona dfg A winter landscape with woodcutters and The Martyrdom of St Stephen vcd Tarsus Punishment of the Rebels Westsalem