western oil painting Tilden The Little country maid Mona Lisa -45- Li Ti Place Clichy La blonde Gasconne -11- The Shipwreck of Don Juan -05- The young man plays the piano Pellcity St Paul sgy The Water-s Edge The Tiger -34- family portrait Aromapark Hickamhousing Gabrielle d-Estrees and One of he Sister Fredonia Saint Luke Drawing the Virgin and Child Madonna and Child with Angels,Saints and Portrait of Gabrielle Braun Northern California Coast BALDASSARE ESTENSE Diana and Callisto -01- Holy Family on the Steps cave creature drew kapu nancy Christ's Head By the Riverside impressionism photography The Virgin of Chancellor Rolin Paragon Northcrowsnest Dedham Lock and Mill -09- CHANGENET, Jean Eaglevillage Holy Family dfgd Trials of Christ -36- A Mriacle of St Nicholas -080 Midway Eliza R Read