The Ghent Altarpiece with altar wings cl Anne Arundel Gulfbreeze window frame Louis-Edouard Dubufe Sunset at Sea -nn02- Man Digging -nn04- The Adoration of the Shepherds_a Altarpiece of the Rose Garlands Portrait of Margaret Stonborough-Wittgen The Dream of St Ursula dfg La Jettee Du Havre Novella di Nastagio degli Onesti -36- Suprematist Composition -09- Dagmar WILSON, Richard The Adoration of the Magi fg Lakelorraine Before the Race_k Sacraments Altarpiece The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Tulp -33- Grabill Self-Portrait with Gorget A Dessert framed four leaf clover Virgin of the Annunciation La Siesta Antonio Joli Tsnori The Egg Dance Still Life with Musical Instruments_a Italy girl Hamlet and the Grave Diggers Benicia St George and the Dragon -detail- sdgf The Lantern Maker-s Courtship jean Huber John the Evangelist on Patmos Still-Life with Silver Bowl, Glasses, an Buttermere Lake - A Shower