Klawock The Virgin and Child -05- Minoutcha -38- Rosemary and the Goldfish The Sierras near Lake Tahoe, California Francisco de Goya the Count of Floridabl Recreation by our Gallery La Place Valhubert, Paris Agasse, Jacques-Laurent animal video Portrait of Matth-auml-us Schwartz St. John the Baptist The Salutation to the Aged Friar MEULEN, Adam Frans van der Lieutenant-Colonel Banastre Tarleton Madonna and Child Srbinovo Bisbee James Mcneill Whistler Supper at Emmaus -detail- d The Horsewoman Scenes from the Life of Saint Dominic-Th Stpeter techniques Still Life with Stag Beetle te Pierre-Antoine Baudouin stretcher used Lawai Tibullus at Delia-s -23- Charles Robert Leslie Laura Head of a Prophet -Fragment of a Lost Al Plantcity Roman Villa Built on the Foothills of th Ventura Madonna and Child with Saints and Crucif Officers of the Civic Guard of St Adrian Portrait of Victorine Meurent Deland Old Pew