Calhoun California landscape Virginiagardens Marbella image Celebrating the Birth Parrott Cain and Abel An Unknow Man Leonidas at Thermopylae -05- The Depositon from the Cross Crucifixion xdfgs Jan Van Eyck The Knights Dream Haystacks under a Rainy Sky -nn04- Sunrise with Sea Monsters Ullin The Death of Major Peirson Rebecca Abducted by the Templar -05- Study of a Dog 2007 calendar claude monet Vilani Visitation jj Allegory of Good Government Taylorville Poplars at Giverny Sainte Famille aux Anges rDancer and Rocaille Armchair on a Black Avalanche in the Grisons -10- Christophe Gabriel Allegrain Sculptor -0 In the Spring Time -460 St Mary Magdalene Discarded Treasures drawing from nature Bathing the Red Horse Loops and Swift Horses are Surer Than Le Pope Paul III The Holy Family dfffg The Star in th East The Lion of St.Mark