Jan Van Kessel Still Life with the Attributes of the Ar art tattoo framed butterfly cabinet moulding Rain of Ash from Vesuvius beaver image Whoop Vincent-s House in Arles -nn04- Still life with a Basket of Vegetables - Enthroned ruler beneath a scarf of victo Portrait of Thomas Carlyle Still-Life with Fruit and Lobster Buda BOL, Hans Boston Harbor Landscape with Figures at Cagnes The Triumph of st Thomas Aquinas -05- Madonna of the Cherries In Mourning Penryhn Slate Quarry Venice-The Bridge of Sighs The Parting Kiss -24- Silver Springs life painter still Blonde Woman with Naked Breasts Rienzi Vowing to Obtain Justice for the The Adoration of the Trinity -08- photo gallery custom painting Madonna and Child with two Angels -36- Hans Sandreuter Lemaire, Jean Ambrolauri wooden sculpture The Martyrdom of St Stephen child and impressionism St.Michael 02 Pale Blue Stained Glass Window -Apse Win ornament