ASSERETO, Gioachino Allegory gdg On the Way to School in Edam carving creature dragon fantasy figure i Mcintosh Roses and Fuschia Straumsvik Arta Westsacramento White and yellow chrysanthemum The Countess of warwick and her children Luminous Reflections The Prophet Muhammad bed frame wood king size Madonna and Child with Six Saints bill james baseball abstract Bathsheba Bathing The Bohemian1 Susanna and the Elders The Hound wooded frame La Nativite de la Vierge Frederick william watts Ride in the Bois de Boulogne -Madame Hen Isabella and the Pot of Basil Canyonlake Olive Grove -nn04- Wildwood Carmel Valley Springtime The Princess Springtime1 James Smetham Cudjoekey Portrait of Gabrielle de Roche-chouart Harbour Scene at Sunset fg Fire-s On HUILLIOT, Pierre Nicolas Willimantic Frank Cuprien The Glorification of the Cross -08-