Tuolumnecity SaareMaa The Three Graces Hercules Between Love and Wisdom Sierra Divide Eugene de Blaas Contradiction-Oberon and Titania The Piazza San Marco towards the Basilic Landscape by Moonlight -43- Blue Interior -nn02- Campo Santi Giovanni e Paolo fh Card-sharpers t Ramygala myspace background image Cadence Monedero, Angel Lizcano Still Lift with White Pitcher Vevay St Cosmas and St Damian dfg Paris Street Ismayilli Christ on the Cross ag Molde Piazza San Marco with Jugglers fd The sunflowers of waterside The Parinter who probably -18- Children Red and White -19- The Finding of Moses-y Mercury and Argus Ceiling Oculus Ullin Axel Haig The Virgin and Child with the Saints Geo The British Fleet company landscape Musical Instruments Peetz The Paradise The Large Enclosure -10-