Tajar and Hammon -25- Ranchopalosverdes Johann Barthold Jongkind La Naissance de Venus of Recreation by our Gallery The Love Call -43- The Person of Landscape The Adoration of the Infant Jesus Pompei Some Members of the Allied Press Camp,wi Prince, Jean-Baptiste le Harvest Scene Portrait of Titus -33- The Annunciation The Dwarf Francisco Lezcano, Called El N Gonzales details Memorial Monument to Goethe -10- The Family -20- Ida Rentoul Outhwaite Hedmark Julien Dupre Gemini Lunia Cziechowska -38- Shinn Everett Irvington ISENBRANT, Adriaen Pieta of San Remigio gj Finnmark The Boat of Love -28- May Fresh Air -44- Farmhouse in Provence Portrait of a man trimming his quill -33 Portrait of a Girl dh The Calumny Triptych of Saint George -detail- sg The Anatomy Lesson of Dr.Sebastian Egber Ignacio Zuloaga mine