Nave Nave Moe The Angels of Night -19- Girl with a Hoop An Old Woman in an Armchair The Courtyard of a House in Delft The Presepio Spirit of the Night The Galass of Lemonade The Defense of Cadiz Against the English The Magician gfh Decatur Forsyth Portrait of Franz Marc La Rochelle -11- Circle The White horse A Bar at the Folies Bergere Grand Manan Island Bay of Fundy Portrait of Toulouse Lautrec Hampstead The Burial of Atala The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts Porozina eye glasses frame Mellott mirror mirror wall Girl Chopping Onions The Apotheosis of James I -25- Thomas Guest The Virgin and Child in a Garland of Flo Baptism of Christ -detail- a Orlovista Scenes from the Legend of Saint Augustin Camp David Glad Day The Portrait of Physicists Roland Koyuk Dubasari View of Chateau Noir -35- Landscape with the Finding of Moses