Berlin Manuel Barron Y Carrillo Bird Concert sdgh George Washington Stjohnharbor Portrait equestre du prince Baltasar Car MASTER THOMAS de Coloswar The Beach at Fecamp -09- La Danse du foulard -32- The eTukish Bath -45- The Tribuna of the Uffizi Avenue of Plane Trees near Arles Station The Kitchen Maid AF Minuet t Lady Lilith Queen Christina of Sweden Moorefield Ask Me No More -23- After the Bath Lepine, Stanislas nudist photo Flowers in a Flask d Giuseppe de nittis Still Life with Apples and Peaches Masek, Vitezlav Karel The Salon d-Or Homburg The Sahara-or The Desert- are beveled mirrors Supper at Emmaus -detail- f Fohn the Baptist preaching -33- Fishing Boats at Sea The Young Routy Miss Margaret Henderson -41- Cornelia Claesdr Vooght Lady with a Mandolin The Dike Calm Head of a Peasant Woman with White Cap - The Disrobing of Christ Eleanor Darnall