Tommaso Portinari and his Wife wh Island in Lake Atter -20- glass mirror Mother Roulin with Her Baby -nn04- Clement Drew Sulking Felice Casorati Exhibition of a Rhinoceros at Venice Le quai des Paquis -11- purism The pool of London Pratt, Matthew Overmatch Interior of Saint Peter-s, Rome Dunwoody Webb Les Derniers moments d-une epouse cherie Dunreith Quinebaug The Banquet of Ahasuerus wg Waterfall in a Mountainous Northern Land The Red Cart Noei Laura The Thames of London Millersburg Still life with Earthenware,Bottle and C Officer of the Marksman Society in Leide The Merry Company Vychodocesky claude monet biography Flaming June Landscape with Dune er Nature morte avec commode Eyak Woodridge Clark, Kate Freeman the creature The Man with the Leather Belt Crystallawns Music party in Petworth -31-