The Charging curiassier The Village Marriage Contract The Young Mothers Emington Buffalogrove Two Cut Sunflowers -nn04- Hanalei chicago landscape La Belle Angele In the Tavern fd St Anthony and St Francis Chariton Abstract Abstract Blackrock Elkhorn V.G.Madatov Evening in the Desert -43- Forest Le Combat de coqs en Flandre Dice Players ghe A white house in the landscape Testelin,Henri The Holy Family,with SS.Ildefonsus and j Pentecost Bellingham Lot and his Daughters dfh Kars Pictura display frame The Death of the Virgin -detail- Stpeter Vancouver Ellisgrove Orchids and Hummingbirds Ajo Arabian Horses Fighting in a Stable Count Potocki Portrait of a young girl,full length,hol Johann M Culverhouse