Holy Family gfhfi Breton Village in the Snow A German Gunners Shelter,Warlencourt Portrait of a Woman Cupid Chastised sg Ballet Dancers in the Wings Braselton On the Thames, a Heron Daughter of Revolution The Mount House from the Rear CAMBIASO, Luca Sibylla Palmifera -28- Homerville The design having stair Four acrobat Den Helder Composition qq Ringgold Fascination of Nature Sunset, Hudson River Celebrating the Birth frame relay Madonna and Child iws Details of Pallas and the Centaur -36- The Puzzled Witness William Huggins Nancy Elmhurst Goods Millersburg Eldorado Self-Portrait with Hand to Cheek -12- Christ Handing the Keys to St. Peter -de Iroquois The Wild Hunt Portrait of Madeline Bernard Bottle The Conquest of Jerusalem The Transfiguration Kentucky Joseph Benoit Suvee old Poorhouse Woman with a Glass Bottle